niedziela, 15 maja 2011

Workers Anti capitalist Revolution?

Today I was in the Anti capitalist weekend, organized by Workers Democracy (Pracownicza Demokracja). I will not describe all event, because I wasn’t participate in discussion in Friday and Saturday. In the beginning there was maybe 20 people, and after few hours there were 40. There were three meetings. First was about students protests movement, second abut Ireland, and third about perspective for class struggle and Arabic revolutions. For me interesting was only meeting with comrade from Ireland: Kieran Allen. He was talking about rise and fallen Irish economy, and about their struggle in Ireland. They cooperate with Irish section of CWI and they build Left Front, and they had 5 MP, and 20 councilors. It was important, that he was talking about cooperation with another socialist organization, and I think that we can learn from them – how to cooperate each other.
In first discussion Filip Ilkowski (one of the leader of WD) said one funny thing. He was talking about population of students in XX century. Before 1939 in all Europe studying was reserved for reach elites. After 1945 in Western Europe population of students was growing very fast. And after 23 years there were big students demonstrations. Next he was talking about Poland. He said that in 1990 there was 12 % (in population people from 19-24), and now we have 40 % of students – more then 2 millions. He said that this 2 millions students are great power, and soon we will have big demonstrations like in France in 1968.
I think that in first discussion people were boring. In second they listened Irish comrade with interest and in third discussion they were surprised about speech of guest from Lebanon: Simon Assaf. He was not talking – he was shouting, about workers in Egyptian streets, about anti capitalist revolution in all Arabic region etc. In every sentence he used word: “revolution”. He was trying to convince us, that after victory of revolution in Egypt and Tunisia, workers from this countries will build soon socialist system. He was guest from foreign country, and nobody stopped his speech. Next the microphone take Andy Żebrowski (founding father of WD), and he was talking that the wind of Arabic revolution soon blow to Poland, and we will win like socialists from Tunisia and Egypt.
Next we had discussion, and every listener can talk. The leaders of WD were scared – because all orators were talking – that this is bullshit. People talks about imperialist support for this “revolutionaries”, about strong Islamic influence in this movement etc. The leaders of WD were pissed, and they tried to end this discussion. Discussion was ended and revolutionary circus was begin. Ellisiv Rognlien from WD attacked comrade from Power of Soviets (Władza Rad) that in his page there is “Stalinists” symbol hammer and sickle, and he will never organize mass movement like in Egypt or Tunisia. When he tried to answer, she said: “we have no time, the discussion is ended”, but she was still talking and attacking another people. Two comrades: Volodia and Roger stand up and stared to shout: “scandal”. One of the member of WD also stand up and start to shout: “provocateurs”. The leaders of WD said: “if you want democracy in discussion – you can organize your own meeting – and now go out!”. Volodia and guy from WD starting to fight, but another people separated them.
This was funny, and I was laughing. But now when I think about it, I’m sad, that adult people, who read many Marxists books, are behaving like children. All actors of this comedy should be ashamed. Leaders of Workers Democracy shown, that they don’t want really discussion, and when they don’t have arguments, they are using simply methods: censorship, shouting: “provocateurs” and turning out opponents. Only members of WD think – that Arabic revolutions has socialists nature. They don’t have chance to build anything – when they are frightening discuss with their guests. One of the word from name of their organization is “democracy”, and I can’t imagine – democracy with censorship. Comrade from Ireland was talking about cooperation with another socialist group and they build Left Front and have five members in Irish Parliament. Andy Żebrowski and his polish supporters never build something similar. They shown today – that in Poland – radical left can build only revolutionary circus.

7 komentarzy:

  1. Counterrevolutionaries from Władza Rad aren't "comrades". They are trotskyist. Trotskyism is just another name to fascism.

    The firstworldist so called left is just a pity, revisionist scum. There is only one, true marxism - Maoism Third-worldism. Check Leading Light Communist Organization web page

  2. You have absolutely right. The really true revolutionaries are only your comrades from FALANGA. In November 2007 we organized meeting about 90 anniversary of October Revolution. Your comrades from Falanga was trying to destroy it. They teared up red banner, trampled it and shouting anti-communists slogans. I really regrets, that one of my ex-collaborator named: “Koba” didn't come to this meeting. He was one of the most heroic internet revolutionaries, but his parents didn't gave him permission, and he had to stay at home. You are cooperating with people who, everyday use anti - communist propaganda, for example strikethrough hammer and sickle. I respect real maoist from southern countries, who are figting for comunism in guerilla army. But in my opinion you are not real maoist. You are only boring students, who “fight” only in internet and colaborate with anticomunists motherfuckers. Thank you for this link. I'm learning english and sooner or later I will contact with real maoist and I will show them – how your cooperation with anti communists from FALANGA discredits maoism in Poland.
    China was occupied by Japans, and Mao could cooperate with national liberation movement. Poland isn't occupied, and Falanga isn't national liberation movement. Their most important activity is fighting against communism, marxism and all red symbolic.You are blind or stupid, that you can't see this. In cultural revolution in China people like you: students with glasses, who never worked for living, who had white clean hands, were beaten and everybody laugh from them. In your page we can see many beautiful maoist posters. Show me one poster – where I can find fat revolutionaries with big belly like Koba today. In cultural revolution – people from working class like me – were figting against students and “intelectuals” fatty's like you. Marx used to said: “Being aware of the shapes” - and you can't be really maoists, because you don't know what work is. When you go to work – you will understand – that if you want to win batlle against your supervisor – all employers from your workplace – have to cooperate each other. In China we had different situation – and Mao want to unite all enemies of Japan army. If you “fight” only in internet – you don't need any allies from radical left – and you can write that everybody are “fascists”. You are young – and maybe for you this is funny. You can feel strong – because you can offend all communists from Poland. But is this a way for revolution? I don't think so. And you must remember, that people have good memory – and sooner or later – they kick your asses. What will you do – when you meet in demonstration – 200 miners from Sierpień 80 – and some of them will remember – that you named them “fascist”.
    I think, that Trotskysm of Władza Rad is only historic analysis of Soviet Union. One of them – isn't trotskyst, and even comrade Uno used to often criticize degeneration of trotskyst movement. In my opinion their page is better then Trzeci Świat, but this is subject for diffrent article. I can say, that for me this page is boring, because – they don't write often their own opinion. I can know what they think, only from commentaries – because the discusion under the articles is more interesting then article. I'm grateful them for information about my blog.And for now – I didn't see any infomation in your page – about my come back. When we sum up two facts: your cooperation with anti comunists motherfuckers and your silent about my come back, I can say that you don't have right to tell me who can be my comrade – because you are not my comrades any more. If you want change this, you have to inform all the world, that your ex-patron come back to writing, and of course you have to brake your aliances and write long self-criticism.
    In the finish I'm grateful you for this comment. In this blog – there is no place for moderating and censorship of discusion and If you write in english – you have certainty that this comment is rapidly publish.

  3. hej, twoj blog nie potrafi zamiescic komentarza
    jakis blad
    wiec przesylam tak
    Wow. I expected real arguments, but it appears that you can only give me lies. And poor usage of argumentum ad
    personam. OK, let's deal with it.

    Falanga aren't revolutionaries. They aren't our comrades. OCG has never claimed that they are. Falanga is
    organization similiar to Kuomintang. You said, that Kuomintang was "national liberation movement". That is
    completelly bullshit. Kuomintang was a imperialist party of national bourgeoise. Falanga is small party of
    petty bougeois youth. Kuomintang killed many Communists. What did Falanga? "They teared up red banner,
    trampled it and shouting anti-communists slogans". So, you are funny saying that tactical alliance with
    Kuomintang was better than tactical alliance with Falanga.

    In reality there are no better or worse. Alliance with Kuomintang was necessary to deal with Japan, alliance
    with Falanga is our way to declare war on the so-called left.

    Yes, Falanga is better than polish "left". They are sincere when they say who they are. They said "we are
    nationalist and monarchist party", and that is true. Your friends from WR said, that they are communists, but
    in reality they are fascists. Fascism has special social function - prevent proletarian revolution. That is
    exactly what does WR. They pose as communists to prevent proletarian revolution.

    "You are cooperating with people who, everyday use anti - communist propaganda, for example strikethrough
    hammer and sickle."

    I can say it about you. You cooperate with trotskyist. Trotskyism is all about anticommunism.

    You doesn't realize concept of TACTICAL alliance. They are no our friends. They are are enemies with common
    goal. The goal is to destroy polish revisionist left.

    "In cultural revolution in China people like you: students with glasses, who never worked for living, who had
    white clean hands, were beaten and everybody laugh from them"

    So, you claim to be historian, but you don't know any history. Red Guard movement was predominantly youth

    Your accusation is that we never worked are false. But it is interesting how you are using argumentum ad
    personam, when you lack of real, political arguments.

    "If you “fight” only in internet – you don't need any allies from radical left – and you can write that
    everybody are “fascists”."

    Your assumptions are false. Show me one example of Mao cooperate with false left (trotskyist, li lisan faction
    or whatever). Show me one example of Lenin cooperate with mensheviks. You are not a communist if you say that
    is necessary to cooperate with revisionism. Marx, Engels, Lenin, Stalin, Mao - they fought revisionist all
    they lifes. You shake hands with revisionist. You're not a real revolutionary.

    "You can feel strong – because you can offend all communists from Poland. But is this a way for revolution?"

    A true communist is not afraid to accuse revisionist, that he is revisionist. True communist is not afraid to
    tell fascist that he is fascist. We fight revisionism - you cooperate with all shapes of revisionists. That is
    not communism, that is liberalism. Read this, maybe you will learn something:

    First link is in polish, second in english.

    Let me cite Mao here:

  4. Let me cite Mao here:

    "Liberalism manifests itself in various ways.

    To let things slide for the sake of peace and friendship when a person has clearly gone wrong, and refrain
    from principled argument because he is an old acquaintance, a fellow townsman, a schoolmate, a close friend, a
    loved one, an old colleague or old subordinate. Or to touch on the matter lightly instead of going into it
    thoroughly, so as to keep on good terms. The result is that both the organization and the individual are
    harmed. This is one type of liberalism.

    To indulge in irresponsible criticism in private instead of actively putting forward one's suggestions to the
    organization. To say nothing to people to their faces but to gossip behind their backs, or to say nothing at a
    meeting but to gossip afterwards. To show no regard at all for the principles of collective life but to follow
    one's own inclination. This is a second type.

    To let things drift if they do not affect one personally; to say as little as possible while knowing perfectly
    well what is wrong, to be worldly wise and play safe and seek only to avoid blame. This is a third type.

    Not to obey orders but to give pride of place to one's own opinions. To demand special consideration from the
    organization but to reject its discipline. This is a fourth type.

    To indulge in personal attacks, pick quarrels, vent personal spite or seek revenge instead of entering into an
    argument and struggling against incorrect views for the sake of unity or progress or getting the work done
    properly. This is a fifth type.

    To hear incorrect views without rebutting them and even to hear counter-revolutionary remarks without
    reporting them, but instead to take them calmly as if nothing had happened. This is a sixth type.

    To be among the masses and fail to conduct propaganda and agitation or speak at meetings or conduct
    investigations and inquiries among them, and instead to be indifferent to them and show no concern for their
    well-being, forgetting that one is a Communist and behaving as if one were an ordinary non-Communist. This is
    a seventh type.

    To see someone harming the interests of the masses and yet not feel indignant, or dissuade or stop him or
    reason with him, but to allow him to continue. This is an eighth type.

  5. To see someone harming the interests of the masses and yet not feel indignant, or dissuade or stop him or
    reason with him, but to allow him to continue. This is an eighth type.

    To work half-heartedly without a definite plan or direction; to work perfunctorily and muddle along--"So long
    as one remains a monk, one goes on tolling the bell." This is a ninth type.

    To regard oneself as having rendered great service to the revolution, to pride oneself on being a veteran, to
    disdain minor assignments while being quite unequal to major tasks, to be slipshod in work and slack in study.
    This is a tenth type.

    To be aware of one's own mistakes and yet make no attempt to correct them, taking a liberal attitude towards
    oneself. This is an eleventh type.

    We could name more. But these eleven are the principal types.

    They are all manifestations of liberalism. "

    It is sad to say, but your activity is liberalism in all eleven ways.

    Especially when your emotion overshadow the constructive criticism.

    Ok, let's to to trotskyism:

    "I think, that Trotskysm of Władza Rad is only historic analysis of Soviet Union. One of them – isn't
    trotskyst, and even comrade Uno used to often criticize degeneration of trotskyst movement."

    Trotskyis analysis of Soviet Union is fascist. They adhere to Trotsky. They are trotskyist. Even when one of
    them don't call himself trotskyist. "Maoist" Revolutionary Communist Party U$A is trotskyist, because they
    theories are trotskyist. Both Trotsky, WR and RCP adopted trotskyist "permament revolution", they reject
    historical lessons of dictatorship of proletariat and Stalin role in socialist construction.

    I don't want to make a circuss and argue with you about personal features. So, my post ends. I hope you read
    some articles written by Mao, and sober up. Because now, whether you like it or not, you're a reactionary. If
    you are calling yourself communist, but you are friends with trotskyist - that is revisionism, and revisionism
    is kind of fascism.

    And one more thing:

    "What will you do – when you meet in demonstration – 200 miners from Sierpień 80 – and some of them will
    remember – that you named them “fascist”. "

    If they do not remember it I will remind them. Unlike you, we Maoists, are not afraid of the truth.

    zamiesc go
    jesli mozesz

  6. Trzeciswiat -your comment was to big - and you have to cut it... Soon there will be my answer

  7. „You shake hands with revisionist. You're not a real revolutionary.”
    4 years ago (2 january 2007) one young communist Koba , made movie: “Working class hero” and published it in youtube . I hope – you won’t delete it – because this movie show very interesting thing – your political evolution. In this time – your revolutionaries heroes were:
    “Marks, Engels, Lenin, Trotsky, Dzierzynski,Radek, Tito, after him Yugoslavian's partizants, Che with Fidel, Cienfugeos, Fidel with Chavez, after flag with Che - Andreas Baader and Ulrike Mainhof from RAF, after CCC FARC's partizants, zapatistas with subcomandante Marcos, finally Iraqi communists (and Jesus with gun ;-) KobaCommunist 4 lata temu “
    The really interesting is lack two important person: Stalin and Mao. If we use your logic –4 years ago you were trotskyst, so you were fascist. Did I make mistake, that I cooperate with you? What do you think, when I tell some teenager, who want to be revolutionary – that he is fascist , because he is trotskyst –what will be his reaction? He will discuss with me, or he will resent on me – and he will never talk with me anymore. Most teenagers first acting and thinking later – and his first reaction will be shouting to me: “you are stupid, I wiil never talk with you again”, and he will hug with trotskyst – because they are kind for him.
    I don’t want use arguments: “I’m older – so I’m clever”, but when we see the facts – I didn’t change my tactic for 7-8 years. In LBC I used to cooperate ( used to shake hands) with many people who in your language are not real revolutionary. I also cooperate with you –when you were “fascist”. I change many things in my life – but the rule: “cooperate not only with REAL REVOLUTIONARY” are still the same. If you are clever – you can build real Marxist from zero – but you NEED TIME. It is impossible to change minds -when nobody listen you. Preparing revolutionaries is similar to seducing girls – or taming dogs. In beginning you have to be gentle and careful. You can’t say: “Hi I want fuck you” – because she will think that you are rude. In beginning you have to say – that she is pretty, and clever, and give her flowers, and you must waiting when she trust you.
    When you talk with not real revolutionary – you also have to be careful – and you must acting step by step. You have to tolerate people with their defects.
    When you ask – why, I tell you – the power of anti communist propaganda is so strong – that it is impossible to tell everything in first date. Teenagers who want to fight with capitalism – and some day – they named theirself “communist”, but they don’t know many about it. They heard something about Lenin,Trotsky or Che Guevara – and they know – that this person are hated by their anticommunist enemies. This is simple rule – enemies of my enemies are my allies. If anti communist say that Trotsky was murderer, because he was leader in Russian civil war – they can be inspired by this person, and wearing T-shirts with Trotsky.
    For me this people are material to REAL REVOLUTIONARIES, and I will shake their hands. Time shows – who chose better tactic. I can only be glad – that I don’t have to compete with you. For you there are fascists – and it is good news – because – I will take them all.
