czwartek, 12 maja 2011

Typical Social Democratic Traitor

Bartosz Arłukowicz, was one of the most famous person from SLD (Alliance of Democratic Left). He was often  named: “The hope of polish left”. He is young, and he was known from TV reality show, before he became MP. His age is important, because he was too young to become a member  of PZPR (The Polish United Workers Party). He was a member of hazardous parliamentary committee of inquiry. This committee was inquiring corruption in government and Arłukowicz was one of the famous critic of Tusk government. So it is funny, that now he become member of government.
Causes of cooperation Tusk with Arłukowicz are obvious. Tusk wants liquidate famous enemy before autumn elections, and Arłukowicz like typical social democrat is person without rules. It is all about money and power. Before last elections Tusk done similar political transfer with Radosław Sikorski, who was famous face of Law and Justice (PiS), and now he is foreign minister of Poland.
Tusk is a master of political corruption, and he knows how to weaken political enemies. Is it better way of fight then buying and corrupt enemies leaders? Election will be in few weeks, and in this short time, it is hard to create new famous person.
For us the most important lesson, is fact, that there are no important differences between so called “left” and liberals from PO. We can say more: there are no important differences between liberals and social democrats (not only from SLD). For example, we can compare statements of Youth Socialists (MS) and Tusk government about Libya. Youth “Socialists” demands “western help” for democracy. We well known this “western help” from Vietnam, Serbia, Afghanistan or Iraq. But they are weak, and Tusk will not invite them to cooperation. Youth Socialists, Arłukowicz and all social democrats are traitors. The only difference is, that Arłukowicz is famous, and he can find customers, who wants to buy him.

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