środa, 18 maja 2011

Obama is coming to Poland

27-28 may 2011 Obama is coming to Poland. Finally we have good reason – why it is important to making page about Poland – in English. He is president of aggressive imperialist country, which was responsible for millions victims in Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. Obama inherited from Bush wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and started war in Libya. His visit in Poland is good occasion to show, that we are against imperialism. I hope that in our protest will come comrades from other European countries, for example from Germany, because train from Berlin to Warsaw come in few hours. I don’t know what is plan of his visit, and what is plans of polish radical left. I hope that I’m not alone who think – that visit president of USA needs our protest. If you know something – write information in comments. See you in anti-Obama demonstration.

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