czwartek, 19 maja 2011

Anti Communism in Poland- Introduction

As I promised in beginning, I will updated this blog twice a week. So in this conditions it is hard to write long articles especially when I must write in foreign language. So I decided, that important articles, I will divide in parts. First long article in English is about anti communism in my country. I was leader of famous communist page named: Lewica Bez Cenzury, which was closed by prosecutor in 15 october 2008. They also condemned me, and I am first victim of anticommunist repressions in Poland.  I’m proud of that, and I know, that sooner or later, they will try to close this blog, or something worse. This atmosphere in Poland forced me to change tactic, and this is the most important reason – why I’m writing in English. But this cycle is not only about state repressions. I will write also about anticommunists politicians and anticommunists person from “radical left”.
If radical left supported me in my struggle against state repressions, I would never be silent, and after one, or two weeks after closing LBC, I would opened another communists page in this same name. But we (or me) were attacked by everybody. I had so many enemies, and so little allies, that reactivation of LBC was without sense. I’m only human and sometimes, when you know – that you must loose – it is better to withdraw and disappear. Of course I didn’t have plan what to do. Decision of my political come back – I made in new year party – this was my promise – for my self – that before 1 may – I must come back. 4 months I intensively learn English, and in the end of April – I kept my promise.
I come back to writing, but now I’m not active in polish class struggle. Maybe in future I come back to fight against polish exploiters – like Dzierżyński, Marchlewski and Kon in 1920, with support revolutionary Red Army. But now it is time to write some impressions about polish anticommunist. It is important, because If you want to fight – you must know your enemies. I have good memory, and all my enemies, all my ex-comrades who betrayed me – can be assured, that I will not forget, and I will not forgive their sins. The number of my enemies is so big – that I have subject to writing – for all year. For now – I can only write – cruel marxists true. But in future, after revolution we will see, who will have the last laugh.
This cycle I will begin writing about polish law. It is funny, because all most famous polish politicians, are proud that in Poland we have freedom of speech. In media we can hear and see, that we are living in “FREE Poland”, and our freedom had 22 years. We have “freedom of speech”  under one condition – you are not communist. Next I will write about anticommunism activity of polish fascists and right groups. I will also write about historical activity (for example IPN). I think that the most interesting for readers will be part three, which I divide in chapters. This will be about anticommunism activity of polish radical left. I know, that for comrades from other countries, it can be strange: “What? How it is possible, that radical left is anticommunism, it is ridiculous.” But it is bitter true.
I will write about organizations, which attacked us – because we were taking to demonstrations – banners with hammer and sickle. I will write about “lefties” journalist , who attacked LBC and October Revolution almost in every article in Of course I will write about legendary anticommunist journalist with nickname “Silent”. So you see – it will be very long cycle – maybe I will finish it in 10 parts. So, when not anything interesting happens, I will write next epizode.

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