Chris Harman
Karl Marx
sobota, 4 czerwca 2011
czwartek, 19 maja 2011
Anti Communism in Poland- Introduction
As I promised in beginning, I will updated this blog twice a week. So in this conditions it is hard to write long articles especially when I must write in foreign language. So I decided, that important articles, I will divide in parts. First long article in English is about anti communism in my country. I was leader of famous communist page named: Lewica Bez Cenzury, which was closed by prosecutor in 15 october 2008. They also condemned me, and I am first victim of anticommunist repressions in Poland. I’m proud of that, and I know, that sooner or later, they will try to close this blog, or something worse. This atmosphere in Poland forced me to change tactic, and this is the most important reason – why I’m writing in English. But this cycle is not only about state repressions. I will write also about anticommunists politicians and anticommunists person from “radical left”.
If radical left supported me in my struggle against state repressions, I would never be silent, and after one, or two weeks after closing LBC, I would opened another communists page in this same name. But we (or me) were attacked by everybody. I had so many enemies, and so little allies, that reactivation of LBC was without sense. I’m only human and sometimes, when you know – that you must loose – it is better to withdraw and disappear. Of course I didn’t have plan what to do. Decision of my political come back – I made in new year party – this was my promise – for my self – that before 1 may – I must come back. 4 months I intensively learn English, and in the end of April – I kept my promise.
I come back to writing, but now I’m not active in polish class struggle. Maybe in future I come back to fight against polish exploiters – like Dzierżyński, Marchlewski and Kon in 1920, with support revolutionary Red Army. But now it is time to write some impressions about polish anticommunist. It is important, because If you want to fight – you must know your enemies. I have good memory, and all my enemies, all my ex-comrades who betrayed me – can be assured, that I will not forget, and I will not forgive their sins. The number of my enemies is so big – that I have subject to writing – for all year. For now – I can only write – cruel marxists true. But in future, after revolution we will see, who will have the last laugh.
This cycle I will begin writing about polish law. It is funny, because all most famous polish politicians, are proud that in Poland we have freedom of speech. In media we can hear and see, that we are living in “FREE Poland”, and our freedom had 22 years. We have “freedom of speech” under one condition – you are not communist. Next I will write about anticommunism activity of polish fascists and right groups. I will also write about historical activity (for example IPN). I think that the most interesting for readers will be part three, which I divide in chapters. This will be about anticommunism activity of polish radical left. I know, that for comrades from other countries, it can be strange: “What? How it is possible, that radical left is anticommunism, it is ridiculous.” But it is bitter true.
I will write about organizations, which attacked us – because we were taking to demonstrations – banners with hammer and sickle. I will write about “lefties” journalist , who attacked LBC and October Revolution almost in every article in Of course I will write about legendary anticommunist journalist with nickname “Silent”. So you see – it will be very long cycle – maybe I will finish it in 10 parts. So, when not anything interesting happens, I will write next epizode.
środa, 18 maja 2011
Obama is coming to Poland
27-28 may 2011 Obama is coming to Poland. Finally we have good reason – why it is important to making page about Poland – in English. He is president of aggressive imperialist country, which was responsible for millions victims in Vietnam, Korea, Iraq, Afghanistan etc. Obama inherited from Bush wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and started war in Libya. His visit in Poland is good occasion to show, that we are against imperialism. I hope that in our protest will come comrades from other European countries, for example from Germany, because train from Berlin to Warsaw come in few hours. I don’t know what is plan of his visit, and what is plans of polish radical left. I hope that I’m not alone who think – that visit president of USA needs our protest. If you know something – write information in comments. See you in anti-Obama demonstration.
niedziela, 15 maja 2011
Workers Anti capitalist Revolution?
Today I was in the Anti capitalist weekend, organized by Workers Democracy (Pracownicza Demokracja). I will not describe all event, because I wasn’t participate in discussion in Friday and Saturday. In the beginning there was maybe 20 people, and after few hours there were 40. There were three meetings. First was about students protests movement, second abut Ireland, and third about perspective for class struggle and Arabic revolutions. For me interesting was only meeting with comrade from Ireland: Kieran Allen. He was talking about rise and fallen Irish economy, and about their struggle in Ireland. They cooperate with Irish section of CWI and they build Left Front, and they had 5 MP, and 20 councilors. It was important, that he was talking about cooperation with another socialist organization, and I think that we can learn from them – how to cooperate each other.
In first discussion Filip Ilkowski (one of the leader of WD) said one funny thing. He was talking about population of students in XX century. Before 1939 in all Europe studying was reserved for reach elites. After 1945 in Western Europe population of students was growing very fast. And after 23 years there were big students demonstrations. Next he was talking about Poland. He said that in 1990 there was 12 % (in population people from 19-24), and now we have 40 % of students – more then 2 millions. He said that this 2 millions students are great power, and soon we will have big demonstrations like in France in 1968.
I think that in first discussion people were boring. In second they listened Irish comrade with interest and in third discussion they were surprised about speech of guest from Lebanon: Simon Assaf. He was not talking – he was shouting, about workers in Egyptian streets, about anti capitalist revolution in all Arabic region etc. In every sentence he used word: “revolution”. He was trying to convince us, that after victory of revolution in Egypt and Tunisia, workers from this countries will build soon socialist system. He was guest from foreign country, and nobody stopped his speech. Next the microphone take Andy Żebrowski (founding father of WD), and he was talking that the wind of Arabic revolution soon blow to Poland, and we will win like socialists from Tunisia and Egypt.
Next we had discussion, and every listener can talk. The leaders of WD were scared – because all orators were talking – that this is bullshit. People talks about imperialist support for this “revolutionaries”, about strong Islamic influence in this movement etc. The leaders of WD were pissed, and they tried to end this discussion. Discussion was ended and revolutionary circus was begin. Ellisiv Rognlien from WD attacked comrade from Power of Soviets (Władza Rad) that in his page there is “Stalinists” symbol hammer and sickle, and he will never organize mass movement like in Egypt or Tunisia. When he tried to answer, she said: “we have no time, the discussion is ended”, but she was still talking and attacking another people. Two comrades: Volodia and Roger stand up and stared to shout: “scandal”. One of the member of WD also stand up and start to shout: “provocateurs”. The leaders of WD said: “if you want democracy in discussion – you can organize your own meeting – and now go out!”. Volodia and guy from WD starting to fight, but another people separated them.
This was funny, and I was laughing. But now when I think about it, I’m sad, that adult people, who read many Marxists books, are behaving like children. All actors of this comedy should be ashamed. Leaders of Workers Democracy shown, that they don’t want really discussion, and when they don’t have arguments, they are using simply methods: censorship, shouting: “provocateurs” and turning out opponents. Only members of WD think – that Arabic revolutions has socialists nature. They don’t have chance to build anything – when they are frightening discuss with their guests. One of the word from name of their organization is “democracy”, and I can’t imagine – democracy with censorship. Comrade from Ireland was talking about cooperation with another socialist group and they build Left Front and have five members in Irish Parliament. Andy Żebrowski and his polish supporters never build something similar. They shown today – that in Poland – radical left can build only revolutionary circus.
czwartek, 12 maja 2011
Typical Social Democratic Traitor
Bartosz Arłukowicz, was one of the most famous person from SLD (Alliance of Democratic Left). He was often named: “The hope of polish left”. He is young, and he was known from TV reality show, before he became MP. His age is important, because he was too young to become a member of PZPR (The Polish United Workers Party). He was a member of hazardous parliamentary committee of inquiry. This committee was inquiring corruption in government and Arłukowicz was one of the famous critic of Tusk government. So it is funny, that now he become member of government.
Causes of cooperation Tusk with Arłukowicz are obvious. Tusk wants liquidate famous enemy before autumn elections, and Arłukowicz like typical social democrat is person without rules. It is all about money and power. Before last elections Tusk done similar political transfer with Radosław Sikorski, who was famous face of Law and Justice (PiS), and now he is foreign minister of Poland.
Tusk is a master of political corruption, and he knows how to weaken political enemies. Is it better way of fight then buying and corrupt enemies leaders? Election will be in few weeks, and in this short time, it is hard to create new famous person.
For us the most important lesson, is fact, that there are no important differences between so called “left” and liberals from PO. We can say more: there are no important differences between liberals and social democrats (not only from SLD). For example, we can compare statements of Youth Socialists (MS) and Tusk government about Libya. Youth “Socialists” demands “western help” for democracy. We well known this “western help” from Vietnam, Serbia, Afghanistan or Iraq. But they are weak, and Tusk will not invite them to cooperation. Youth Socialists, Arłukowicz and all social democrats are traitors. The only difference is, that Arłukowicz is famous, and he can find customers, who wants to buy him.
środa, 4 maja 2011
1 may
In last Christmas Eve I went to church and I heard Midnight Mass. I have never been before in Midnight Mass, and I went there, like a tourist. This was funny experience, but it is subject for another article. I was listening speech of priest, and I remember that he was complaining for commercialization, and he was scared, that most of Catholics don’t serious think about their religion. In the end of November all shops are decorated in Christmas elements, and most of Catholics think only about shopping. They are hunting for special offers, and spent a lot of money for a gifts. They also think a lot about holiday feasts, about preparing a food, and they don’t have time to think about Jesus. He was complaining that commercialization of everything change Catholics to people who behave like Atheists. He was right in one thing. For most people in Poland Christmas Eve is a family holiday, when you can eat good food. Children are also interested in gifts. This is religion holiday only in name, but not in practice. I was rising in atheistic family, but I always liked this days. I like Christmas dishes. I like herrings with onion, dumplings with cabbage and mushrooms, I like all this food, and I can say that this is also my holiday.
Now I have some impressions about first may. In past in this day we had big workers demonstrations. In this year, in some countries we have also big demonstrations, but in Poland, all first may demonstrations were very weak. For example in Warsaw we had 185 members of demonstration (number from It’s time to ask all polish radical left –it is still holiday of working class? I think that the most happy in this day is middle class. In Poland we have also holiday in 3 may. So it is possible to take one day off, and get 5 day holidays: (1,2,3 may +weekend). We have special name for this 5 day holidays: MAJÓWKA. If you have enough money you can go to TATRY mountains, or to MAZURY lakes. It is spring, and usually in Poland beginning of may we have nice weather. We can compare the small demonstration in Warsaw with big crowd in Mazury. In these days hotels in the famous polish touristic places, are crowded, and I think that most happy in these days are peoples from middle class, who likes to rides in spring holidays. I think that Poland is exception. We have important patriotic holiday in 3 may, and we have possibilities to have short holidays. In Poland we have also very strong anticommunists propaganda.
We can imagine situation, that Law and Justice will won parliamentary elections, and some anticommunists from this party will start campaign to “delete communists holiday in 1 may”. What do you think, who will serious fight for free day in 1 may? The polish radical left? This 185 people ? No. This holiday still exist, because middle class want to have holidays in spring. This is cruel truth. We can complain like this priest, that most of working class are not interested in 1 may demonstrations. They can choose, between sausages from grill and drinking beer with family/friends or demonstration. In this year they didn’t come. In lasts years situation was the same, and WITHOUT BIG CHANGE in the next year, they will also not come.
Piotr Ikonowicz and his comrades never had big connections with working class. This demonstrations never been very big, but in the past – they can be confronted with demonstration of Alliance of Democratic Left (SLD). In this confrontations, Ikonowicz and his supporters from Youth Organization of Polish Socialist Party (OM PPS) could shout radical slogans, and always it was shown in TV. In this year SLD resigned from demonstration, and Ikonowicz was alone in Warsaw street. 1 may demonstration without working class, and without confrontation with SLD was boring for media, and they ignored our demonstration. This is fact. In future, there will be the same situation, and without big change I don’t believe, that this demonstrations have sense. Ikonowicz always trying to be alternative to SLD. The confrontation with SLD gives him power and radical youth supporters. But death of SLD-demonstrations is paradoxically also bad news for Ikonowicz. I think that now it is high time to think about cooperation. There is no place for dozens of 5 peoples group.
Of course it is good, that in this day we can meet each other and talk. It was good for me, that I could talk about this blog. But if we don’t want only talk in this day, we must hard work all year. Many peoples ask me question: “why don’t you write in Polish?”. I can give many answers, but in 1 may I said, that I will not waste my time and energy to write for this 185 peoples, because in other European cities we have demonstrations of thousands.
poniedziałek, 2 maja 2011
My first English poem
They closed my page and won the battle
They had think, that game is over
But they are stupid, like a cattle
Because, I will not be quiet forever
I’m again steersman of my ship
And now I’m sailing to big seas
And now I’m writing in English
I’m alone, and my English is weak
I have to write with dictionary
But I will updated blog twice a week
Because I’m revolutionary
In Communist Manifesto we can read:
“Workers from all the world unite!”
We have to all in one language speak
To cooperate each other and fight
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